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Several Wake Foresters, primarily students, gathered over dinner on February 15, 2017, to discuss the many qualities that make the Wake Forest community “feel like home.”

Our conversation, which emerged from the initial question, was very constructive and unfolded organically. Several of us shared aspects of Wake Forest that made us feel at home (shared intellectual interests; conversations with peers, including those we disagree with; feeling supported and recognized by others; particular groups or organizations where we feel a sense of belonging). Some of us shared occasions when we have not felt at home at Wake Forest – for example, when we have felt alienated by the Greek system.

We spent a significant portion of time talking about the effects of technology on conversation and community. Some in the group, particularly students, showed a keen awareness of how their digital lives were shaping how they engaged (or failed to engage) with others, and some even shared stories of how they deliberated disconnecting digitally or considered having dinners with strangers to facilitate more meaningful conversation.

We concluded by discussing what we could do to make Wake Forest a more welcoming home for all of us. Several members of our group said they wanted to host similar conversations with other students in order to encourage the spirit of conversation and sharing that defined our evening.