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A group of Wake Foresters gathered over dinner in Richmond, Virginia on February 8, 2018, to discuss Leadership & Character.

Our moderator asked the members of the group describe an occasion on which they had observed Character in Action. Common themes were selflessness and deep concern for the welfare of others. Accounts included examples of bravery, self-sacrifice and focus on the needs of others — even in the face of sickness, injury or death. The discussion that followed focused on the importance of living up to our principles and focusing on others and “making it about them” rather than ourselves.

The group was unanimously enthusiastic about, and grateful for, the opportunity to hear and participate in serious conversation on an important subject.  The group discussion produced grateful comments, from alumni and parents alike, on the quality of the Wake Forest education (from both academic and ethical perspectives) and led to a broader discussion of ways in which Wake Forest has evolved and improved over time – notably with respect to acceptance, tolerance and diversity – and ways in which Wake can continue to improve on an already superb value proposition.

Books cited in connection with the discussion:

Hidden Figures by Margot Lee Shetterly

Art of Listening by Eric Fromm

The Character Gap by Christian Miller

The Road to Character by David Brooks

The Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri