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Group photo form the Call to Conversation in Lutherville, MD on May 17, 2018

A group of Wake Foresters gathered over dinner in Lutherville, MD on May 17, 2018 to discuss Leadership & Character.

Overview and highlights of our Call to Conversation:

During our conversation, we learned much about instances that made an impression on us as we shared and reflected on examples of character in action. From helping someone in need, witnessing acts of kindness, and many things in between, our group experienced a number of varying instances that showed how character can be portrayed with a common thread of selflessness.

We bonded over these key character traits – compassion, common decency and providing support when in need. We are hopeful and optimistic that many of these traits are evident in the current generation of Wake Forest students, as when they graduate, they leave understanding a sense of good and the true meaning of Pro Humanitate. The sense of community was never more evident when students came out in masses to pay tribute and grieve the loss of their classmate, which truly showed how character can make an indelible difference to a grieving family and affect them in a distinct way.

Furthermore, we conversed and asked the question, “Can character be taught?” Some believe that a person’s character and understanding of integrity are set at an early age and can’t be altered later in life. People can be taught to act better if it’s in their interest but their true character is fixed. Others are hopeful and believe that character can be changed and people can be taught not to act better but to be better. With some help from an expert in this type of clinical research, we learned that you can mold this trait and it can be shaped in an environment (like Wake Forest) and is indeed ever-evolving.