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Group photo from the C2C in Winston Salem, NC on October 4, 2018.


A group of Wake Foresters gathered over dinner in the Worrell Professional Center on Thursday, October 4, 2018 to discuss Leadership.

Overview and highlights of our Call to Conversation:

We began our conversation by sharing an example of a time we saw leadership in action. Whether it was someone’s father, pastor, mentor, university benefactor, former dean or a famous political figure, we spoke how these moments influenced our lives and helped to shape our own character.

We also discussed some traits that we want our new dean to have. Some of these included the ability to bring people together, someone who has a history with the law school, the ability to lead academia, and the skill in getting our students jobs.

We also believe the new dean must have the ability to say no, have vision into the future, and possess persuasiveness and genuine interpersonal skills. Our table came together in a sincere and thoughtful discussion.