Community | Palm Beach, FL
A group of Wake Foresters gathered over dinner in Palm Beach, FL on February 26, 2019 to discuss Community.
Overview and highlights of our Call to Conversation:
- We all learned from one another about what made us feel like a valuable part of a community. Throughout our fellowship and conversation, specific characteristics of strong communities were shared which resonated with all.
- We discussed the importance of humility and how good leaders can inspire an authentic community of integrity.
- One participant shared that in his experience transitioning to retirement, no longer were relationships built on what they were individually, referring to their job, level of responsibility or wealth, but were about what people had a shared vision for what they found enjoyable. In that community, value derived from what folks did to bring them together instead of what made them different.
- We also heard a few stories of strong communities where success is shared and the importance of communal activity benefiting others.
- Finally, we were able to enjoy the beginning of an honest discussion around the realities of how history can affect current communities. Though we navigated some of the waters that might be explored around how an individual’s past could impact their own and one another’s present, we recognized there is much more discussion to be had and listening done to understand what further needs to be considered to understand what happens when a community grows.