Leadership & Character | Atlanta, GA
A group of Wake Foresters gathered over dinner in Atlanta, GA on May 10, 2019 to discuss Leadership & Character.
Overview and highlights of our Call to Conversation:
- One theme of our discussion was the need for integrity for successful leadership. This integrity, and the integration of a person’s inner and outer life help others know what kind of person they are dealing with and paves the way for trust to be formed.
- We also learned the importance of humility as a way to observe character in action. We all know community service is important for the thriving of others, but hearing specific stories from each other helped us see how even we could serve in opportunities near our homes.
- Additionally, we came to terms with how leadership mostly necessitates a focus on others. We heard that even though a major life goal may not come to fruition for you, it is no reason to not reach out and champion those that are pursuing the exact same goal. It is hard to reject the bitterness that one could have crop up in our hearts when we see dreams fade. It is beautiful to see people move past that bitterness to push forward the lives of others towards sweet success.
- Yet, we did get to hear about the cost of leadership and pondered where it came from through several stories. There is something ineffable about character when you see it action. Sometimes people don’t even know it in themselves. Then, sometimes we fail to see it right in front of us because some leaders really are full of integrity, humility and other oriented action.