Leadership & Character | Atlanta, GA
A group of Wake Foresters gathered over dinner in Atlanta, GA on June 24, 2019 to discuss Leadership & Character.
Overview and highlights of our Call to Conversation:
- During our discussion, the theme of giving on one’s self and empathy was prevalent. The stories we shared had a common thread of others making selfless choices to impact our lives and that of others. Diving further into how those choices are made and what drives someone to exhibit character brought out a few characteristics:
- The sense of ‘Pay it Forward’ is powerful and must be practiced.
- How we model that behavior in front of our children, friends and colleagues makes an impact.
- Many times our professional choices that center around leadership and character, are often derived from our personal beliefs and practices.
- Wake Forest’s commitment to Leadership and Character; in and out of the classroom, will have an impact on our students’ lives.