Leadership & Character | Charlotte, NC
A group of Wake Foresters gathered over dinner in Charlotte, NC on June 4 , 2019 to discuss Leadership & Character.
Overview and highlights of our Call to Conversation:
- The consensus was that character is learned and certainly influenced by environment but we also discussed the question: is there an innate component?
- We saw character in action through the compassion and unity of our parents.
- We observe servant leadership demonstrated by public figures.
- We witness the desire of others, through their dedication, to give people what they need to be happy.
- We have observed generous sharing with others when it wasn’t required.
- Sometimes we learn character from our children. Sometimes children teach each other.
- It is important to have a moral standard and to take responsibility.
- Character enhances teamwork and problem solving.
- Character is selflessly taking care of others.
- It is important to be authentic and go beyond our baseline values. It is not necessary to be powerful to have character but be thoughtful.
- We did not discuss national leaders. We focused on a more personal level but really did not talk about ourselves. It was agreed that perseverance in the face of adversity was a character trait to strive for. We should want to evolve our character by changing our baseline.
- Our group values were caring, humility, kindness, compassion, honesty and consistency.
- We decided that “it was not up to us to determine if we were people of character”.
- “You never know across whose path your shadow may be cast”.