Leading a Life that Matters | Annandale, VA
A group of Wake Foresters gathered over brunch in Annandale, VA on May 9, 2019 to discuss Leading a Life that Matters.
Overview and highlights of our Call to Conversation:
- To be present in the moment but have the perspective that we are in it “for the long haul.”
- We should have less fear in taking the risks we did (or having fear prevent us from taking risks) because the risks taken are worth it even if the risk itself was not successful.
- We do not need to be perfect and we should make decisions that are right for us without needing validation from others.
- We can help others by stepping toward them or leaning in to help encourage them on their decisions, be part of their lives even in the smallest way, and let them know we care.
- People care and want to help us even if they are not close friends and family.
- Be open-minded about what life can be because there are many paths to getting to your goals, and diverse relationships and experiences out of your comfort zone may change your life.