Pro Humanitate | Des Moines, IA

A group of Wake Foresters gathered over dinner in Des Moines, IA on September 23, 2019 to discuss Pro Humanitate.  Overview and highlights of our Call to Conversation: It is important for us to be grateful that we can help others instead of needing to […]

Community | Savannah, GA

A group of Wake Foresters gathered over dinner in Savannah, GA on September 17, 2019 to discuss Community. We discussed the role of technology within community and how the generational differences influenced our opinions of technology. We discussed how new communities have formed due to […]

Pro Humanitate | Liberty, MO

A group of Wake Foresters gathered over dinner in Liberty, Missouri on September 16, 2019 to discuss Pro Humanitate. We discussed the idea that people all around us are doing things to improve our world – whether those efforts are individual or part of a […]

Community | San Diego, CA

A group of Wake Foresters gathered over dinner in San Diego, CA on September 6, 2019 to discuss Community. Two themes of our conversation were creating rituals among community and bonding over shared experiences.

Leadership & Character | Raleigh, NC

A group of Wake Foresters gathered over dinner in Raleigh, NC on September 6, 2019 to discuss Leadership & Character. A few highlights of our conversation were: remembering to “be the beacon of vulnerability”, making the “deliberate decision to be optimistic”, offering the gift of […]
