Community | Oakton, VA

A group of Wake Foresters gathered over dinner in Oakton, VA on September 27, 2019 to discuss Community. We shared stories that illustrated our individual and collective need for community, in one form or another. We discussed ways in which we have found community in […]

Community | Savannah, GA

A group of Wake Foresters gathered over dinner in Savannah, GA on September 17, 2019 to discuss Community. We discussed the role of technology within community and how the generational differences influenced our opinions of technology. We discussed how new communities have formed due to […]

Community | Winston-Salem, NC

A group of Wake Forest students gathered for dinner on September 17, 2019 to discuss community Picture Provided by Wake Forest Student: Uma Bernardo

Community | San Diego, CA

A group of Wake Foresters gathered over dinner in San Diego, CA on September 6, 2019 to discuss Community. Two themes of our conversation were creating rituals among community and bonding over shared experiences.

Community | Charlotte, NC

A group of Wake Foresters gathered over dinner in Charlotte, NC on September 5, 2019 to discuss Community. Our conversation focused on the impact that authentic, face-to-face conversations can have in fostering intentional dialogue and our many definitions of community.
